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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Photography As Art

First lets get the boring technical stuff out of the way. I used my girlfriends 14.1 mega pixel Casio camera to capture all of the images in the slide show. I am not a very proficient camera user, so i simply left it on auto-flash, and auto-focus. All I had to do was point and click. I can assure you the creative aspect was much more in depth.

Since I first became comfortable with the elements of art, and the principles of design earlier this week, I've been taking mental notes on which elements applied to different scenery I would happen upon.  My first idea was for form. This huge concrete structure at the end of my road seemed perfect to capture the idea. By the time i completed the half hour walk, I was just about done. At any given time I was only thinking for one of three different elements/principles. However, I rarely found what I was looking for. For example,while looking for either pattern rhythm or texture, I happened upon a black and white cat in a field of grass. I captured the photo in a way that the cat was the only non-green item in the frame. Just like that I had my representation of emphasis. One other artistic accomplishment I feel I completed was while taking my repetition photo. From my original angle everything seemed off. I then decided to move slightly to my left so that the stacks of pallets were framed by the rails of the fence.

As a whole, I was able to gain a whole new appreciation of photography as an art form. I always though it was a "lazy man's" excuse for art. I still have a greater appreciation for paintings, simply because of the time and effort that goes into each work, but in today's fast pace society, a good photo can get us through until the next masterpiece is ready.


  1. I also found it hard to find the right scene to take a picture of for certain elements. I could think in my head of an idea but capturing it was difficult. I think by looking for certain elements we might have overlooked a scene that would have been perfect for something else. It would have probably been easier just to look through old photos or snap a bunch of creative photos and see what elements we could find in them.

  2. Great job with the photos! I liked how you took pictures of everyday things like a tire, a lamp, etc. to show these elements and principles. I really liked your unity and variety pictures. I think for the brick wall you could also say it had lines. Also, the unity you could say it has shapes, because of the round rocks. Nice job!!
